A lot of people ask me what it is about this man that I love so much.
It’s his purity. His honesty.
He exposes his vulnerability so his fans can hear it and use it in their own ways. In their own worlds. To help them with their own vulnerability while also helping himself.
He’s very odd, very strange, very different.
He speaks about serious issues in his life, while also maintaining a certain humor and charm. Silly and playful, almost kid like attitude.
He’s relatable. He’s someone you could chill with and talk to for hours about real shit, but also have fun with.
I’ve seen him grow from a boy, to a man. He was just that Kid from Cleveland and now he’s an adult, a father. He was just a Kid named Cudi and now he’s a Man named Scott. Been a fan for so long, it’s impossible for me to not want to see him do well.
His flow is different, his voice is his own.
Love him or hate him, there’s no artist like him. But I happen to vibe well with it.
So, Happy 27th Birthday Scott Mescudi.
I hope today treats you well. <3