tomorrow + upcoming week.
im so fucking happy ive already accomplished things i told myself i wanted to do over break. its finally nice to have a bit of freedom and just forget about people, school and all this bullshit that clogs my mind for awhile. ive realized how independent ive been with everything over these past 2 or 3 months and i feel like a stronger person already. i feel like as i get older and older i depend on my parents less and less which i really love. tomorrow ill be thrifting again in brooklyn which is always a blast. i always feel super confident and happy after a day in the city. on friday ill be finally leaving rhinebeck for florida to visit my grandparents i havent seen in more than a year. im really looking forward to seeing them and spending time with them. ill be going to orlando to visit disneyland and doing more thrifting at a bunch of salvation armies ive never been to before. i feel like florida will be a great experience and im really looking forward to it…