I recently received some product from Ursa Major. Ursa Major, which means larger bear in Latin, is an all natural mens skincare company based in Burlington, Vermont. Ursa Major believes in creating environmentally safe products by using organic ingredients. Everything they make is proudly made in the USA and specifically made without harmful chemicals found in a lot of other common skincare products. More importantly, they strive to be a 100% sustainable business with everything they create. I love how the product is made with array of natural ingredients that both smell great and are beneficial for your skin. Since more men are generally learning how to take better care of themselves, its important for more companies to focus on mens only skincare products. Ursa Major is doing this exactly with the few products they offer. Quality is key and i respect the minimal approach they take on an overwhelming market. Check your local retailer to find the closest Ursa Major carrier near you. Get that daily kick in your step!