Beast Brands interview
John Cascarano, President, Beast Brands, Inc.,
How did you get started on your brand? What was your inspiration? The inspiration was my grandfather. I'd learned some things late in his life that I never knew and started getting motivated to create something that could make him proud. Originally, it began around 2013 as "Tame the Beast," which my wife came up with ;-). Then, it had to do with "taming" things, such as smell, hair, beard, etc. and made some fun products and marketing videos along the way. However, I wanted to achieve more with it, and ultimately Jay and I added Kelley O'Hara from the USWNT as a stakeholder, transitioned to being known as simply "Beast®" and evolved the brand into a true lifestyle brand. Everyone has a Beast inside of us that we seek to harness for maximum happiness, success and well being. Our mission is to support that pursuit in "Beasts of All Kinds."
How do you differentiate your brand from a hugely oversaturated market?
You do what everyone should do: deliver quality ingredients at an approachable price, and then add in a brand that makes people feel something, in our case, turning up the levels of botanicals and awakening that Beast inside of you.
Where and how do you source your ingredients?
Cosmetic ingredients are sourced worldwide, like food. However, we spend extra time looking at supply chains given our commitments and obligations to not use animal byproducts, meet certain plastic reduction goals, and emphasize sustainability. Therefore, when we use palm oil, it is sourced from land that has been repurposed to agricultural use, is rainforest alliance certified, and has the #1 rating as sustainable palm oil producer by SPOTT.
What's your hero/best selling product? Do you have a favorite?
I love our YAWP Wash Refill and Tingle Shampoo. Also, our Wash for Everyone has won over the 5 ladies (3 girls, 1 wife, 1 puppy) in my household as both a hand wash and body wash.
What are your plans for the future?
More fun content from Kelley, Jay and me, less plastic in our packaging, more organic ingredients, more inclusive messaging, and more fun videos on our YouTube Channel.