2015: Looking Forward
New Years resolutions are something I’ve never been keen on. I’ve never felt that on January 1st I needed to change something completely about my life. However, for 2015, there are a few things I will try to improve upon, so these will go on my “To Do” list.
Mind: As a visual person I am less apt to read. And when I do read, it’s on the computer or magazines. Being a blog writer, I know that reading is an excellent way to exercise the mind. So, this will be the year that I challenge myself to read a book each month. I have a stack of menswear books that I haven’t had a chance to thoroughly read yet. At the top of my list is Dressing the Man: Mastering the Art of Permanent Fashion, an A-Z guide about everything menswear related.
Body: Exercise has always been important to me. When it gets cold during the winter months it’s harder for me to get my blood moving. This winter I plan on practicing yoga at home or at a nearby gym. Practicing yoga in the past I felt much more relaxed and focused. Growing up in upstate, New York I was an avid snowboarder throughout high school and college. However, with active plans to relocate to NYC, easy access to mountains will be more difficult. Therefore, I resolve to find more creative ways to exercise on a budget.
My diet is also something I try to constantly improve and expand upon. I like going to different restaurants and trying new foods. As a healthy and organic diet is important to me, I also like figuring out how certain foods have a positive effect on my body and how I can benefit from eating a certain fruit or vegetable. But going to restaurants gets expensive and since I’ve never considered myself a cook, I resolve to introduce myself to the world of cooking and find easier and more affordable ways to eat healthy.
Spirit: I will continue promoting Made in USA products on my blog. That ethic is true to me and an ideal that I feel passionate about. So I will make a specific effort to reach more young designers and feature their quality products. Because there is strength in numbers I resolve to connect with people in my online community that also want to celebrate the American spirit.
Cheers to 2015!